Monday, August 13, 2012


Pants: GAP extra 30% off today (8/13) with code GAPFRIENDS
Top: JCrew (spring) Similar at Old Navy and JCrew
Flats: Cole Haan, Similar at GAP 
Bracelet: AE, similar at INPink

I hope you all had a great weekend!
Mine consisted of sushi with classmates and fiance Friday night, lab and dinner & a movie (The Campaign) with my college friends saturday night, and studying Sunday.
And so begins my two weeks of finals!
Thanks for reading :)


  1. OH man I remember taking classes over the summer for my MBA. Good luck on your upcoming exams! I received a coupon from the gap today for a whopping 40% off 1 item...seriously? What kind of deal is that???

    1. Thank you!! I'll need the luck :) and gap needs to step their coupon game up!!


Thank you for reading!